Good Habits – That Parents Must Teach Their Children

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Children look up to their parents through their lives. Parents are always a point of reference for their children, someone they turn to for guidance whenever they run into trouble, and children pick up this habit early on in their lives. As they grow, children imitate their parents’ behaviour and actions, and parents are the role models for their kids. Their wisdom and habits inevitably pass on to kids. Thus, it is important to teach the children to differentiate between good and bad habits, and choose the good ones.

1. Healthy Eating

In order to make children develop this healthy habit, go the colourful way – make it a target to eat each colour of the rainbow once a week, which means eating foods of different colours in a meal. Not only does it have health benefits, but also ensures that the kids have fun eating. Parents should set a healthy example by eating regular, nutritious, and well-balanced food.

2. Physical Activity

Allowing your children to sit and get comfortable on the sofa and watching television would be a big mistake on your part as a parent. Do not let your kids get into a sedentary lifestyle.

Encourage them to get them going, maybe for a walk or exercise or send them to play outdoors. Plan a family activity, make it something fun, and get your kids involved. Educate your kids that being a couch potato, has adverse effects on the health. Some of the health hazards a sedentary lifestyle poses are as follows:

  • Obesity
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Attention disorders
  • Emotional and social problems

3. Focus on Food-Nutrition Labels, Not Designer Ones

Start educating your children about the more important labels that they should take notice of from a young age – food labels. Once they get into this habit, encourage them to learn about the nutritional value of food in the same way.

4. Enjoy Family Meals Together

Make it a priority to enjoy dinner time together with all your family members. You can discuss a number of things and share your views with each other; this will have a long-lasting impact on your children. Other benefits of eating together include the following:

  • Children start getting comfortable and adjust well in the family
  • Children develop good eating habits and avoid junk food when with elders
  • Bonds get stronger

5. Healthy Hydration

You need to guide your children and reinforce the importance of drinking water and avoiding soda.

Educate them that water is a vital resource, and should be taken in good amounts to maintain proper hydration. When your kids realise how important water is for their bodies, they are sure to choose it over unhealthy aerated drinks.

6. Cleaning Up The Mess

Cleanliness must be taught to children by default early on in life. Start by organising things properly around kids. When they get accustomed to seeing things in an orderly fashion, they will want to keep them that way too. Once they are old enough, you can assist them and allot time to clean up the mess and place them appropriately. By doing it regularly, they will soon learn and make an effort to organise their things themselves.

7. Be Responsible with Money

You can get your children into the habit of saving money, by giving them pocket money once in a while, or keep a piggy bank with them.

Give them a budget and encourage them to manage their expenses and save money. This way, your children will learn the value of money and start saving.

8. Sharing is Caring

Children should know the value of certain objects, learn to be grateful, and be modest enough to share it with those who cannot afford it. Also teach them about the intangible things that can be shared, such as emotions, feelings, and stories. Children will learn to share with their family first – parents, grandparents, siblings, cousins, extended family, and then with other people. This attitude of sharing will make him or her a better person.

9. Don’t Litter Public Spaces

Raise your children to be civilised and responsible citizens. Explain that public spaces are not for littering and that one should throw waste into the nearest dustbin. Help them develop this simple habit, and ask them to follow it in all places, as it will help them develop into better people.

10. Be Courteous

Teach your kids to respect people, be it elders or young ones. They should be calm and cordial with everyone.

11. Do Not Harm Animals or Birds

Children usually get excited around animals and birds. Some feel attracted, some fear them, some get defensive, while some stay calm. They should be educated that animals and birds are living creatures that communicate in their own ways and can be friendly.

12. Exercise Regularly

Set a routine for yourself and your family to spend some time together for a physical activity such as walking, jogging, swimming, exercising, or doing yoga at home. Exercise will prove beneficial to the entire family in the long run.

13. Do Not Criticise or Bully Anyone

Parents need to keep a watch and closely guide their children on their interaction and mannerisms. Children should be made to understand that criticism can hurt others, hence they should not speak ill about others

14. Be Honest

Honesty is a very important virtue and needs to be enforced in kids from childhood. Being a parent, you are the role model for your children. Your actions and words have the greatest impact on them, positive as well as negative. Be honest at all times, especially in the presence of kids. Motivate them to speak the truth under all circumstances.

15. Pay Gratitude

Foster a humble attitude in your children and teach them to be thankful for all things, big and small. Cultivate the habit of praying twice a day, after waking up in the morning and before going to bed at night. Follow it yourself, and your kids will learn from you

16. Wash Hands

Washing one’s hands before and after meals is the most common etiquette taught to students from kindergarten. You need to teach them the following basic rules:

  • Wash your hands before and after meals or after playing in sand
  • Use clean dry towels, or maybe tissues, to dry hands
  • Use antibacterial hand wash

17. Brushing Twice A Day

The habits imparted early on will stay for a long time. Educate them about the proper ways of brushing:

  • Brush daily and twice a day
  • Gargle post meals – This helps avoid bad breath and cavities
  • Floss the teeth at appropriate times
  • Clean the tongue using a tongue cleaner
  • Do not share your toothbrush

18. Clean Ears

Ears are one of the most vital organs of your body. Neglecting the cleanliness of your ears may lead to a lot of discomfort and even infections.


  1. Daily Showers

  2. Keep Hair Clean

  3. “Please”, “Thank You”, and “Sorry”

  4. Helping Others

  5. Don’t Skip Breakfast

  6. Table Manners

  7. Sleep On Time



(This article/text/quote/image is shared in good spirit to strengthen the education system.)

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