5 Keys to Successful Preschool Classroom Management..

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Preschool teachers know that when you’re faced with a room full of 3- and 4-year-olds, clear
expectations and routines are vital if teaching and learning are going to happen. Implementing
preschool classroom management techniques can be a challenge, however, when you’re dealing
with 30 high-energy kiddos.
Here’s what Gibson says are the keys to classroom management in an early childhood setting:

1. Divide and conquer.

Students should spend the majority of their day working in small groups, says Gibson. Dividing
students makes it easier for them to stay on task and for you to work on skills one-on-one.
Gibson finds that four small groups often work best in a preschool classroom.

2. Rotate, rotate, rotate.

Once you’ve divided students into groups, you can create a rotation chart that shows where each
group will be at each time of day and what group members will be working on.

3. Make it visual.

Use students’ pictures in your rotation chart, along with images of your classroom, so that even
pre-readers can understand when and where they are supposed to be.

4. Set up a “teaching table.”

This should be one of the areas in your classroom through which students rotate, says Gibson.
The “teaching table” is a place for you to work with children one-on-one on the focus skills of
the week. By making this table your home base, students will always know where to find you
and when they can expect to have your full attention.

5. Keep learning centers simple.

You don’t need a dozen separate activities to keep students focused and on task. In addition to
your teaching table, suggests Gibson, you might have one other table or center where a teaching
aide can work with students, and then two more centers for independent activities.

(This article/text/quote/image is shared in good spirit to strengthen the education system.)

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