10 Habits of Successful Working Mothers

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Following right habits can help working mothers juggle everything the right way. Such habits can also help her to accomplish her duties as a mother and as a professional perfectly.

Read on to learn more about the 10 habits of successful working mothers.

  1. Balance All Your Work

The best way to excel at both home and at work, make an organised plan and balance all your work. In this manner you can do everything perfectly. In between working on important projects at work; slot in all the parent teacher meetings, or outings with your kids and other things like grocery shopping. Having time slots is the key to balancing work.

  1. The Importance of Shifts

Have not perfected the art of balancing everything yet? Then the best way is to work in shifts. After dropping your child at school go to work or come back home and work if you are a work from home mom. Spend time with them when they return and continue your work after they fall asleep. The shift duty is the best.

  1. Depend on Your Family Members

Seeking help from parents or in-laws is a must when you are a working mom. They will look after your child when you are busy meeting a client at some part of the city. Asking for help is one of the key factors in becoming a successful working mom. Your parents or in-laws too can have good time with their grandchildren in your absence.

  1. Make Use of Technology

This is the era of smart phones. They are quick and easy. They bring the world to you at a click of a button. Make use of these technologies to organise your life at home and at work or work through your phone without needing to go out.

  1. Flexibility

Flexibility is important for working moms. While at certain points you might not be able to work, at other times you would need to handle and extra project or client just to make sure that there is not problem on either side.

  1. No Need to be a Perfectionist

If you have a perfectionist attitude, you would have to get rid of that. You will have to learn to live with being good enough. It is impossible to be perfect at both home and work.

  1. Negotiating Powers

A successful working mother should be an excellent negotiator. This power is a boon to all women who want to keep their children happy as well as be the best at work.

  1. Let Kids Help You

Involve your kids in simple household chores like folding the clothes, putting the toys back to the rack etc. Involving children in simple household chores will save a lot of your time.

  1. Weekend Work

Weekdays involve a lot of work because your kids go to school. So work on weekends. Squeeze in as much amount of work as you can on weekends so that weekdays become a little less hectic.

  1. Take Care of Yourself

Amidst all this, do not forget to take care of yourself. Exercise regularly. Hit the spa for some relaxing time once or twice a month. Staying fit and healthy is a necessity to be a successful working mother.


Study these tips carefully. After all, it is these tips which will help you raise your child into a good human being while putting you at the top position at work. Follow them diligently. This will help ensure a bright future for you and your family.


Source: https://www.indiaparenting.com/10-habits-of-successful-working-mothers.html


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