Preschool Classroom Management : 7 Things To Know!

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From the moment you see their cute, smiling faces all lined up on the first day of school, that’s when the foundations begin.

Some might be crying, some might be refusing to come through the door, and some might be pushing each other in the line. But at that very moment, even though you may want to turn and run as far and fast as you can, that is when classroom management begins.

Not to mention, an unlimited supply of patience!


Children need to know exactly what is expected of them, so that they can be successful. Set age-appropriate expectations on the very first day of school.

If the expectations are too hard to reach, then the children will not be invested and it will make it more difficult for everyone. Always model the behaviour you expect the children to follow.


If children are held accountable for their behaviour, they are learning important skills and habits that will carry through to adulthood. As with all parts of preschool classroom management, be firm, fair and consistent.

A child will be less likely to repeat an unwanted behaviour if there are consistent consequences and rewards. Always acknowledge a job well done!


As a class, discuss what the rules of the classroom should be. Develop rules that foster respect, caring and community within the preschool classroom.

Again, make the expectations for behaviour clear at the beginning of the year. Continue to review and reinforce the rules. On a regular basis, ask the children if they believe the rules are being followed and whether or not you need to update them.

Post the class rules in a visible location in the classroom.


By assigning classroom jobs, it teaches children responsibility. Preschool classroom management is so much easier with responsible preschoolers! Change their jobs weekly so that all children get an opportunity to succeed at each one.

Consider letting your preschoolers choose their jobs so that they are more invested in doing their best. They will take more pride in their classroom if they are responsible for it. It is amazing how much little ones want to help out!


Open communication is an important aspect of classroom management. It is essential to have clear and consistent lines of communication with the parents in your classroom. Without it, you could lose the support and cooperation of parents.

Be responsive to the concerns of others. Be flexible and willing to accommodate reasonable requests.


Try to have an occasional classroom party to acknowledge students’ hard work. This will help to keep them motivated to succeed. It is a known fact that having a pajama day at school is the best thing since sliced bread!

Get your preschoolers to come up with a list of “special days” that they could work towards earning every month or two. It is amazing what they will come up with!


Using peers as a classroom management strategy can help engage and educate disruptive and struggling students. Pairing certain students together during open play time will allow the role models in your class to demonstrate appropriate behaviours, such as sharing and taking turns.

This not only acknowledges the behaviour of the role model, it also helps by having a peer point out the unwanted behaviours, instead of it always coming from the teacher.

Classroom management is an important strategy for the success of any program. When a child trusts their teacher, he/she will make more of an effort to follow the rules and behave appropriately.

 “Effective teachers manage their classrooms. Ineffective teachers discipline their classrooms”




(This article/text/quote/image is shared in good spirit to strengthen the education system.)

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